No matter what circumstances you are in, car accidents are nonetheless stressful. If they lead to big or small injuries, things get even worse as the accident negatively impacts your life. Hospital bills could be racking, and you may have to stop going to work to recover from your injuries. Overall, you will be in a financial mess where only a car accident lawyer could help.
As per a Eugene Law Firm, there are several important questions that you need to ask your lawyer about your case. When you think of filing a car accident claim, here are some of the most important things you should ask your lawyer.
Qn. 1: What am I supposed to do soon after the car accident
The first thing that the lawyer will ask you to do is to seek medical attention. Whether your injury is minor or major, it would help if you still met the doctor. Remember that the extent of all wounds is not instantly evident. Several injuries can become apparent after weeks or months of the crash. The doctor’s prescription is one of the most vital pieces of evidence the lawyer may need.
Qn. 2: Are there any deadlines I have to meet?
While filing for a car accident lawsuit, there are several deadlines that you should be aware of. One of the deadlines to keep in mind is the small amount of time you get to file a claim. This statute of limitations binds you to a specific period within which you must file a lawsuit. Your attorney will tell you about all these SOLs in every state.
Qn. 3: How long can my car accident claim take?
Whenever you ask your car accident attorney this question, you should expect an honest reply. You must agree that financial compensation for your injuries can take time. Such lawsuits usually take a few weeks to a year to complete, whether through trial or settlement outside the court.
Qn. 4: How much can you help me with my case?
You can’t forget that this is your case, and you have the most to lose or gain. Don’t be scared to ask your attorney how he plans to represent you. Once you ask this question, he will be bound to explain how your case has to be handled. He should offer you a step-by-step plan for your case.
Qn. 5: Can my case go to trial?
The truth is that most of these cases settle outside the court; hence, most plaintiffs never have to enter the courtroom. While the attorney may be honest to tell you this upfront, you should ensure that the attorney is well-prepared in case the case goes to trial.
So, before proceeding with your car accident claim case, ask the above-listed questions to ensure your choice.